Medical Consultant Services, Inc. (MCS) will extend its best efforts to provide the most qualified consultant at the time of request. Client will review recommended consultant�s qualifications, experience, availability and other relevant information prior to retaining the consultant. Any recommendation by MCS is an opinion only; the final choice of a consultant shall be vested in the client. MCS makes no guarantee as to the results of any case and all expressions relative hereto are matters of opinion only. The amount of MCS liability shall not exceed the total amount of fees for services rendered under the agreement.

If in the event of an emergency or other causes, the selected consultant shall become unavailable, MCS will notify the client and attempt to offer an alternative consultant of comparable qualifications.

All consultants referred through MCS shall be retained through MCS only. Client shall not attempt to retain, hire, or make a referral of any consultant associated with MCS other than by contacting MCS. Designation of the consultant or commencement of work by the consultant at the direction of the client constitutes retention.

Retaining of any of our consultants signifies acceptance of the above-mentioned responsibilities, fees and other terms and conditions.

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